Thursday, November 20, 2008

A Little Housework

As we near the end of November, we also near the end of this backtack. It's come up quickly! We wanted to remind you all to fill out the form in the last post when you've sent things off and received things, and to remind you also to upload images to the flickr group so we can all see what wonderful things have been produced. This is the most exciting part - seeing what interpretations you guys have given to the brief.

Earlier in the week I went through each and every blog to check in and see where people were at, and there's a few really interesting snippets being shown. Most people are getting ready to package and send off in the next few weeks, so I thought I'd take a moment to restress a few points.

Communication is an essential part of any swap. We make a big deal about it when you sign up, and we expect some fairly common manners be shown to both us, and your partner. Please send a little email when you've sent your package so they know it's coming. And please, we shouldn't have to ask for this, but please send a thankyou email to your partner when you have received your package.

Unfortunately we've spent the last few weeks dealing with a number of communication issues, and it is terribly dissapointing for us as organisers to have to chase people, and then to not receive any word from you if we do email. It is even more heartbreaking for a partner to have to contact us in the belief something has gone very wrong when they've tried communicating, especially if they've been desperate to participate. I'm really hoping we don't have more issues, but we cannot stress enough how seriously we take simple manners and respect being shown to other people. If you do need to communicate with us, please don't use our blog emails, please use this email - backtackATgmailDOTcom so we can keep all communication in one place.

Good luck everyone with getting the final push done, and both Nicole and I look forward to seeing all the end results very soon!!

Sunday, November 09, 2008

received your back-tack?

Once you've received your back-tack please fill out this form so we can keep track of everyone. Thanks!!

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Monday, November 03, 2008


Hi back-tackers! A little late, but following is a list of inspiring links for you guys.

- Not Martha's "To Make" lots of goodies here, link.

- Kiddley:
  • last minute gift ideas, link.
  • gumdrop wreath, link
  • paper garlands, link.
  • dress-up paperdoll and ornament, link.
- The Flickr Christmas craft pool, link.

- Flickr, Holiday Ornament swap pool, link.

- Sew Mama Sew's Holiday series, link and 2008's Handmade Holiday's, link.

- Little Birds soft tree, link.

- Allsorts has an awesome Holiday category, link.

- Design*Sponge's modern ornaments, link.

- Wise Craft's tomorrowland trees, link.

- The Small Objects stacking fabric tree, link.

- The Purl Bee star ornaments, link.

- Poopscape's sequin mushroom, link.

- Not forgetting the Queen of Handmade, Martha Stewart, link.

Phew! There's some great stuff there, gave me some ideas for my partner!