Wednesday, November 16, 2005

BT2 image library update

Hey Al - having fun in Paris, or is it New York now? Everyone wish Al happy travels!

Me, well I've been a little slack. I've been meaning to do this library update for the past week, I admit my motivation has been lacking and also looking for somewhere to live is a big distraction.

So, what are you waiting for, get on over to the flickr libary to see the new images! The picture below shows the updated pics in thumbnail preview.


Saturday, November 05, 2005

back-tack II finito!

Go on - get on over to flickr and check out the amazing creativity. We've had heaps of positive feedback from everyone. Thanks! We really enjoy seeing your creations and love your enthusiasm.

Some housekeeping - if you've submitted pics but don't see them in the gallery would you please email them again to If you haven't sent them yet, please do so and we'll update the gallery.
The next incarnation will be in April 2006. So keep your eyes
